OOTD- Factory Girl


Hey everyone,

I wore this outfit going shopping last week and I was feeling a little more 'daring' so threw on some pattern tights. My mam bought me these cute Eiffel Tower ones for only € in Penneys! You really can't get any better than that. I've still been loving 90's clothing lately and this scrunchie definitely brings a modern twist on that, with a leather effect. Mid term is over now and school has restarted [sigh] but at least I got to take plenty of outfit photos during the week. Watch this space, because I'll be sharing them all here with you!

Shirt- Penneys/Primark
Jacket- Catch Clothing
Skirt- Catch Clothing
Tights- Penneys/Primark
Socks- unknown
Earrings- New Look
Boots- Doc Martens
Scrunchie- American Apparel

P.S- what do you think of having the images on my blog the size of the page column? yay or nay?

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  1. Such a cute outfit! - I adore the earrings and scrunchie!!! <3 Also I think the image size is perfect in the column ;)

  2. Your hair is so cute in these pictures! I definitely think you should keep these full size photos.

  3. You look so cute in that outfit! I love the heart shaped earrings

  4. Yay another Irish blogger! Love this outfit, those quartz earrings are gorgeous xx


  5. Hey :) I just came across your blog and I love your style! Loving the tartan shirt, I never find anything like that in Penneys!
    I'm Étáin by the way, I'm new to blogging :)

    Étáin’s Little World


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