Norman Parkinson; Fashion Photographer


Hey everyone,

I love fashion and I find history particularly intriguing so I thought I'd combine the two and write up a bit of fashion history for you all! Although I'm not the best at it, I adore photography. I love the images you can create through one click of a button, through one tiny lense. I'm particularly partial to fashion photography, no surprise there! I could sit for hours flicking through the crisp pages of an issue of Vogue or Elle, and I like to take the time to study each page, and the combination of elements that make the photograph beautiful. I recently started Grace Coddington's book [which I will no doubt review here upon completion] when I came across the name "Norman Parkinson". And boy, am I glad I did.

Norman Parkinson was born in 1913 in London, and began his work as a photographer as an apprentice in 1931. He launched his own studio in 1934, and by 1935 he was working for the likes of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar. One of my favorite things about his work is how he mostly photographed women, and not just women, but strong and powerful women. Each image is soft yet fierce, gentle but vigorous. The combination of colours between the backdrop and what the model is wearing always looks so perfectly well together. He captured style and fashion so impeccably. After seeing his photographs first, I lusted for a while to be behind his camera. I've included some of my favorites below;
source; pinterest

source; pinterest

source; pinterest

source; pinterest

source; pinterest
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