Outfit: LFW A/W15 Day Two


 images by thehearabouts.com

images by me

Skirt- c/o Chi Chi London*
Top & jacket- Topshop
Jacket & hat- Penneys/Primark
Shoes- F&F @ Tesco

..and here it is in illustration form!
 illustration by Hayden Williams, thanks to Rimmel London!

-Rachel x

Items marked with a * were sent to me for consideration. All views are my own! Read my full disclaimer here.


  1. Wow that skirt is gorgeous! Such a lovely outfit and beautiful illustration! I'm so jealous that you were at LFW!
    Étáin xxx

  2. Can you link me to/provide more info on the shoes? Xx

    1. I bought them about a month ago so they might not be on sale any more- also they werent online just in store!

  3. Oh. My. God. You are immortalised in pencil form! Amazing. Your style is just unbeatable. And the shoes! Can't believe that they're from Tesco!

  4. Oh. My. God. You are immortalised in pencil form! Amazing. Your style is just unbeatable. And the shoes! Can't believe that they're from Tesco!

  5. This is just perfect, love that embroidery design on the skirt!:)

  6. I love this outfit, the illustration is amazing too!

  7. You look stunning! Such a pretty outfit, I'm going to have a hunt for those gorgeous shoes as I just need them in my life - I can't believe they're from Tesco! x

    Charlotte / Colours & Carousels

  8. That skirt is so beautiful!! and I adore the rose gold shoes! :)

    Fashionably Sparkly

  9. OOFT, I love this whole outfit - you look amazing! And that illustration is the best thing I have ever seen haha, I want one immediately.

    Claire from Stylingo xx


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