Wednesday Wishlist #5; My Christmas List


Hey everyone, I figured it was an appropriate time to do a 'Wednesday wishlist' again- what better...

Fashion News; Lady Gaga for Versace SS'14


Hey everyone, Without a doubt, fashion and Lady Gaga are my two ultimate obsessions in life, so...

Controversies In The Fashion Industry


There's no doubt about it- the fashion industry is one of the most controversial industries out...

Book Review; Allegiant by Veronica Roth [& meeting the author/book signing!]


Hey everyone, After thoroughly enjoying writing my first book review [which you can read here]-...

OOTD- Tartan & Tweed


Hey everyone, I had a super busy weekend which ment little time for blogging unfortunately. I attended...

Quick Bronze Smokey Eye Makeup Tutorial


My first makeup tutorial! Hope you like it, let me know what you think. -Rachel x where to...

Top 5 Winter Nail Polishes for [under!] €5


Hey everyone, As a lover of Winter and nails, I've decided to bring the two together and share...

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