Yin Yang & Glitter Nailart


Black- Bourjois White- Sally Hansen Pink- Kiko Cosmetics Glitter- Essence Multi- Effect topper...

Dublin Fashion Festival Media Launch


Hey everyone! I recently attended the media launch  of the Dublin Fashion festival, which runs...

Graphic Mint, Black & Silver Nail Art


Hey everyone! SO I haven't done nail art in AGES and I was having a lazy night, so I decided to...

OOTD ft Vero Moda & Stradivarius


T-shirt- Stradivarius Shorts- Vero Moda Converse- bedazzled by me, read my tutorial here! Bow...

Kiko Lipsticks ~Review~


Hey everyone! I recently discovered this makeup brand, Kiko whilst shopping in Malaga. As the...
Hey everyone!

I bought this fabulous nail polish whilst in Malaga, Spain. I ADORE IT! It was only €1.75 too, alot cheaper than it is here in Ireland. The colour, the effect, the durability.. I love it all. The only downside? It's a killer to take off!

-Rachel x

where to find me >

Nails- Maybelline Color Show "Polka Dots"


Hey everyone! I bought this fabulous nail polish whilst in Malaga, Spain. I ADORE IT! It was only...

Holidays In Spain -OOTD #5- Monochrome Maxi


Hey everyone! Welcome to the last of my outfit posts from Spain. I hope you enjoyed them all and...

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